“We make a living by what we get.
We make a life by what we give.”
Get Involved
Welcome to Hope Equine Rescue! Thank you for your interest in volunteering. Volunteers are a very important part of our organization. It takes us working together to help prepare the horses in our program for their own family. We accept volunteers high school aged and up to help with the following programs:
Barn Chores: This is cleaning stalls, scrubbing water buckets, other farm maintenance, grooming horses, and ground working horses.
Events Team: Help with special events and fundraisers
Outreach Team: Go to events in the community and promote the rescue
Reading with Rescues: Reading program for students K-5th grade
When you adopt one of our horses you open a spot for another horse in need. We cannot continue to take horses unless we adopt horses out. It is a BIG responsibility to own a horse. Please take that into consideration before filling out our application.
If you have never adopted from us before the process may seem a little daunting but do not let that stand in your way of finding your next best friend.